1) If I was Valentina and I saw Bagaruka in the the village after the genocide, I would either leave or start throwing rocks at him.
2) I done think I could kill all those people, but if I had to, I would have to think that it was for the better, or something not true like that.
3) As a punishment, Bagaruka should be killed, an eye for an eye, as they say.
4) They chopped Valentina's hand in two so it must be hard to do things with that side of her body. There is also the scaring images of all the dead people that she saw and the people that she saw being killed. Those images will never leave her mind, and that must be hard for her.
Advanced World Studies
Friday, March 2, 2012
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Review Questions: Rwanda
1) The Belgians split the population into 3 rasist groups so they could have better control.
2) The Belgians thought the Tutsi were supirior because they were more "white looking".
3) The Hutu declaired a sepret republic in 1959.
4) The first Hutu president was Greg wa Kayabanda.
5) The Hutu did not stop the rasial tower, they just flipped it upside down.
2) The Belgians thought the Tutsi were supirior because they were more "white looking".
3) The Hutu declaired a sepret republic in 1959.
4) The first Hutu president was Greg wa Kayabanda.
5) The Hutu did not stop the rasial tower, they just flipped it upside down.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Is china a necessary Evil?
Is Chins a necessary evil for the United States? Most would say that it is isn't, but if think about it, it is. Look at the "Made in" stamp on almost any toy in America, it will most likely say "Made in China". This is because it is easier to got people in China to work for less money because China's economy is so bad due to Communism. Communism brings the promise of equality to all civilians of that Nation, in this case, China. If it weren't for American aid, China would have fallen and given way to a new government years ago, just like all the other countries that were declared as Communist Nations, (examples, United Soviet Socialist Republic ((U.S.S.R.)), Belarus, Vietnam, Korea). Yes, if it were not for America, China's economy would be failing, but the same could be said in reverse. America needs China for it's economy or it too, would fail and it could suffer another depression. The co-operation and success of this partnership is do to China's induction into the United Nations. Before that, China had just opened up to the world for the first time in centuries, and America wanted nothing to do with it. This changed when China started setting up trade and travel routes with other countries. This is when America saw an opening for a wealthier tomorrow. Chinese were willing to work in factories for less then one US dollar an hour. This would save the United States government money because they could evade the "Minimum Wage" law of it's country. Because of this, every US dollar that the United States government spends, 40 cents of it goes to China instead of about $1.12 going to a European country such as England. Without China and America's mutual relationship, Americans would not have many of the luxuries they have today. But this relationship also has a downside for both countries.
In America, unemployment is at an all time high. Many families are on the border line of poverty and thous that aren't are seeing that prices of everything are going up.
In China, many children are forced to drop out of school to work in factories to help earn extra money for their families. Child labor is not illegal in China like it is in America. Many people die or become gravely ill in factories because of dangerous machines and air born particles going in their lungs.
The question I was asked to answer was "Is China a necessary evil?". My answer to that question is, it's up to the person who is thinking about it. If you don't think that it is, that's ok, but try living in a world were you don't have China, see what things would be different. And those that think it is, you are probably right, but as i said, It's up to the person thinking about it. Opinion is everything.
In America, unemployment is at an all time high. Many families are on the border line of poverty and thous that aren't are seeing that prices of everything are going up.
In China, many children are forced to drop out of school to work in factories to help earn extra money for their families. Child labor is not illegal in China like it is in America. Many people die or become gravely ill in factories because of dangerous machines and air born particles going in their lungs.
The question I was asked to answer was "Is China a necessary evil?". My answer to that question is, it's up to the person who is thinking about it. If you don't think that it is, that's ok, but try living in a world were you don't have China, see what things would be different. And those that think it is, you are probably right, but as i said, It's up to the person thinking about it. Opinion is everything.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Aljazeera Movie Question #2
What sources of tension, new or old, in the Middle East are revealed in this movie?
Arab spring is all the revolts and riots in the Middle East
If the USA likes the dictator, we has a good relation ship and life goes on, if we don’t like them, we kick down the door and invade
Many in the Middle East are disappointed about the USA doing nothing to help their country, yet helping others
Bahrain is important to America because of the 5th Fleet, it controls the area of the Middle East that exports most of the Middle Eastern oil
Saudi Arabia sent 1,000 troops into Bahrain to silence protest without consulting America
The government was destroying Shiite mosques
There are protest in Saudi Arabia that we don’t help because we have a good relationship with the Saudi Government
Basically, America will not invade Bahrain because they are allies with Saudi Arabia, and so are we. So if we attacked Bahrain, Saudi Arabia would not like us and stop giving us oil, and if we don't get oil, our Economy and Government would collapse. If America collapses, no one would be afraid of us attacking them if they attacked our allies and the whole world would probably go into war, except Australia, because there just a giant island in the middle of the ocean.
Arab spring is all the revolts and riots in the Middle East
If the USA likes the dictator, we has a good relation ship and life goes on, if we don’t like them, we kick down the door and invade
Many in the Middle East are disappointed about the USA doing nothing to help their country, yet helping others
Bahrain is important to America because of the 5th Fleet, it controls the area of the Middle East that exports most of the Middle Eastern oil
Saudi Arabia sent 1,000 troops into Bahrain to silence protest without consulting America
The government was destroying Shiite mosques
There are protest in Saudi Arabia that we don’t help because we have a good relationship with the Saudi Government
Basically, America will not invade Bahrain because they are allies with Saudi Arabia, and so are we. So if we attacked Bahrain, Saudi Arabia would not like us and stop giving us oil, and if we don't get oil, our Economy and Government would collapse. If America collapses, no one would be afraid of us attacking them if they attacked our allies and the whole world would probably go into war, except Australia, because there just a giant island in the middle of the ocean.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Aljazeera Movie Question
What sources of tension, new + old, are revealed in the movie?
The Libyans had a Dictatorship, the rebels wanted a democracy like the United States, that is one reason why we are backing them. Another reason is oil. Libyan oil is special because it’s crud, and easy to refine. It is also uncertain were the oil that the Rebels are selling is going and being used for. It is also even more uncertain were the money from the sold oil is being used for. It is thought that the United States doesn’t know much about the Rebels that they are helping.
The Libyans had a Dictatorship, the rebels wanted a democracy like the United States, that is one reason why we are backing them. Another reason is oil. Libyan oil is special because it’s crud, and easy to refine. It is also uncertain were the oil that the Rebels are selling is going and being used for. It is also even more uncertain were the money from the sold oil is being used for. It is thought that the United States doesn’t know much about the Rebels that they are helping.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
The importance of Jerusalem
Jerusalem is important to The Jews because it is were Abraham supposedly gave his son to God. It is important to the Islamics because it is were Muhammad went to heaven. Many people fight over weather Isreal or the Palestinians, I think that neither should get it. I think that it should be turned into a country all by itself like The Vatican City in Italy, that way it won't be fought over any more and thoughts that want to worship their God there, or not.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Describe the country's geography.
The country of Oman is mostly flat with a large dessert in it's center region. the country is about the size of Kansas.
What is the climate?
It has a dessert like climate in the center and a subtropical dry climate in the Northeast and Southwest.
Does the country have a fresh water supply? What is it's source of water? Does the country control it's water source? Does the country have access to a seaport?
Oman has a very low water supply that it gets from decreasing underground aquifers. It has many sea ports because it makes up the bottom of the Arabian peninsula.
What industries does the country support?
Copper mining, petroleum, cement, and fishing.
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